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March 23, 2020

Hey Cooley Parents and Families! Man, I sure do miss seeing your students every day!

A LOT has changed in the 2 short weeks between today and my last post. These are unprecedented times, and there is a lot of uncertainty, but I do know one thing that’s for certain: the strength and commitment from the Roseville City School District, and our Cooley family, to our students, parents, families, and community, is unwavering and unbelievable.

I will be periodically posting on here with important information for all of you. Also, please don’t forget to remind your student(s) to check my google classroom for academic, career/college, and social-emotional resources and activities from me!

Virtual Counseling: Benefits and Limitations

I never had any idea that I would be providing virtual counseling opportunities, but have embraced learning a new and creative way to connect with students during our time apart. I have created a virtual counseling form where students can go and request to check in with me. I am virtually meeting with students via email, Google Voice (call and/or text), and/or Google Meet (video chat).

There are lots of benefits to virtual counseling. Counseling sessions held online can be as supportive and effective as face-to-face counseling. Also, setting up virtual counseling with my students allows them to still have access to counseling services during the school closure. Lastly, it is increasingly convenient. During school, I made every effort to only pull students from their elective or E-period classes, so they wouldn’t miss instruction in their core classes. Now, given the flexibility of everyone’s schedules, I can meet with students anytime that is convenient in their day for them (pending it’s between the hours of 9:00am and 3:15pm Monday through Friday).

There are many benefits to virtual counseling, but there are also some limitations. Like any other counseling session, virtual counseling exchanges are confidential. However, while virtual counseling takes place through secure channels, your information could be intercepted by unauthorized persons while using an electronic platform. There is also a risk that our session may get interrupted by others in the home, either yours or mine. Additionally, video conferencing technology may unexpectedly fail during a session. In spite of these limitations, I can assure you that myself, and the other mental health professionals in the district, have been, and will continue to, work tirelessly to develop and implement a legal and ethical protocol to maintain student privacy and safety.

National Online Safety Resources

During our school closure, you and your student might be spending more time online or on social media. Commonsense Media has put together some tips and resources that can help keep kids entertained, engaged, and learning while they’re stuck inside. Those resources can be found here. Also, the National Online Safety organization has developed several guides for parents to help you understand the ins and outs, and dangers, of different social media platforms. They have 7 pages of guide for social media apps such as Discord, Tik Tok, SnapChat, Instagram, etc. And, it’s all completely FREE! Their website can be found here.

CareSolace Resource

You may already know about this amazing resource, but it’s always worth a mention whenever I post information specific to parents and families. CareSolace is an anonymous online platform where students or parents/families can browse substance use and mental health resources in the area. You can filter your search by distance, type of concern, insurance, and more. Having trouble figuring out where to start? No worries! Their Care Concierge team is available 24/7 to help you out! Just visit the CareSolace website for more information!

Also, PLEASE visit the Community Resources tab on this website to access resources for families specific to this period of school closure.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, or need anything at all.

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